The Atlanta Constitution from Atlanta, Georgia (2024)

14 THE ATLANTA CONSTITUTION, Dec. 5, 1951 IF mirimcmnn 5ISEER Sports Editor, The Constitution Crackers Recall Seven; Wyatt Tendered Offer Whit Ponders Managership of Miami Beach; Mann To Claim Brown If Montreal Yields By FURMAN BISIIER Constitution Sports Editor COLUMBUS, Ohio, Dec. 4 Whitlow Wyatt can become the manager at Miami Beach, seven Cracker farmhands have been recalled from lower leagues, and Earl Mann has put in a claim for Country Brown, if not retained by Montreal. Thus the Atlanta Crackers came i over to ot. Petersburg in the same league.

ANN SAYS; Minor Leagues Back to Minors COLUMBUS, Ohio, Dec. 4 When a fellow asked Baron Bobo Newsom last summer if he knew Earl Mann, the man who invented freedom of speech said sure, he knowed Earl. "Me and him broke in together at Macon in 1928. He drove the bus and I pitched." Earl Mann had 'also sold peanuts and taken up tickets and swept out the office before advancing to the responsible position as bus driver for the Sally League club. In 1935, he was installed in had an earned run a vera re of 3.34.

Currie. just 20. had 5-6. Lassalle, a disappointment last season after a sparkling pro kick-off in '50, worked 11 complete games for a 9-7 mark at Denver. This could be his last chance as a Cracker.

Ex-Alabama star Kirkland won 13, lost seven at Montgomery, but demonstrated a leaning toward not finishing what he started with only eight complete to the end of the third day of business at the Golden Anniversary convention of the minor leagues in the capital of Ohio Tuesday. Old Dodger Wyatt, who stepped out as Cracker coach this week as the position was wiped out on all Southern Association teams, has been offered the job with Atlanta's Florida-International League Wyatt has been reported variously as a managerial prospect at several minor league stations. Triple Double A and down. But only the Miami Beach offer is positive. Mann announced the recall of these farm products: Pitcher Larry Lassalle from Denver; outfielder Bob Verrier from Hartford: mZrffz3 affiliate.

The Buchanan farmer is pitcher Joe Kirkland from Mont- gomery; outfielder Frosty Ken- As it now stands, the Cracker nedy and pitchers Marshall: roster shows 33 citizens, of whom Associated Press Wirtphoto DID IIANK GREENBERG (R) MAKE CASEY STENGEL AN OFFER? Cleveland and Yankee Bigwigs Confer at Baseball Convention considering the Class job. He would succeed former Cracker catcher Spec Dozier, who moves O'Coine and Billy Currie fromiproDaoiy no more tnan iu wxu the Atlanta Crackers front office, and iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiii Miami Beach, and pitcher Dick I still be around hen the season Brockwell from Edenton, N. C. opens. 153 PLAYERS PICKED 4 deDendent dealing that became the Of the seven, Verrier brings Hero Brown, professedly retired marvel of the minor leagues.

home the prime record. The right- to the career of a groceryman in handed Canadian, 27, struck a could be back with 326 average in the Eastern the Crackers. What Mann's claim League, though he drove home means is this: if Montreal decides only 45 runs in 117 games. to send Country below triple-A ball, the Crackers have first call Brockwell. a 25-year-old right hander, indicates a leaning toward on him.

tut; VW Mann surrounded himself with good baseball men, employed his own uncanny eye for talent and cashed in on his good taste with fabulous player manipulations. But the infamous bonus rule grew out of a postwar fever to put the brakes on baseball spending. The rule, however, had just the opposite effect. It advertised to one and all that baseball players with even a hint of ability could cash in for their signatures. It had the effect of driving the independent minor leaguer out of busi slavery with 18-9 record in the Class Virginia League.

The chap Brisk Drafting Mirrors Optimism By JACK HAND COLUMBUS, Ohio, Dec. 4 (AP) Minor league baseball gave itself a vote of confidence Tuesday by virtually completing its player draft with selection of 153 players for worKea a complete games and BRIEFCASE The Crackers have dropped Elkin. X. C. as a Class farm.

There is every indication that Fred (Pannr) Wil- 245 innings. He's a frail fellow of; Uiams will be back to manage tha Waycross farm. Babe Barna, given his freedom by Nashville, signed on with Toledo for a plump ness, for by the rule he was forbidden 175, 6-3. Kennedy brings back again one of spring training's most interesting characters. He had a moderate season at Miami BeacH, hit .303, drove in 63 runs, hit 24 doubles and seven homers in 127 games.

O'Coine posted a discouraging record of 10-18, but to compete against the major leaguer. DECATUR'S YOUNG MAKES JUMP TO LOOP IN DRAFT COLUMBUS, Ohio, Dec. 4 Claude another of Decatur High School's athletic alumni, jumped another notch up the organized ball ladder in the Class draft at the minor league convention Tuesday. After a rousing .382 season at Class Dublin, Young was sold to Class Monroe, and in turn was drafted from the Cotton States League club by Class Fayetteville, N. C.

An old Cracker figure of Paul Richards' days, outfielder Pete Thomassie turned up as a draftee. He was lifted from Thibodaux, by St. Petersburg, Fla. Lynchburg, took outfielder Jim Morelli from Douglas, Portsmouth, drafted pitcher Bill Williams from Headland, and Lynchburg also claimed Wendell Davis from Moultrie in the selections. Old slugger Willie Duke, who blasted for the Crackers, Little Rock and Nashville, came out of the Tuesday session a New York Giant scout for the Carolinas and Virginia.

Just as quickly as I'd mentioned Clay Hopper's long service in the Dodger chain, he was released by St Paul to accept the job as manager at Portland, Ore. Kemp Wicker, who bossed four years in a row at Columbus, was appointed to manage Greensboro, N. Class B. Max Macon has been named manager of the Florida International league, succeeding Pepper Martin, Macon, an SEC official in the off season, managed Hazard, last year. Nashville announced the sale of infielder Joe Damato to Oklahoma City of the Texas League for an unannounced sum.

The 30-year-old veteran hit .265 last season. BISHER. $299,500 Donus, tnus removing the league leading hitter from circulation. There was never a chance for He was allowed to pay $3,000 tops as a bonus, the big leagues $6,000. It also had This certainly shows how con the effect of driving Mann out of the Continued on Page .16 fident our people are of operating in the future," said George Traut-man, president of the National Association now holding its golden jubilee convention.

With only a few delayed drafts remaining, the minors Wednesday will get down to the more serious monev total was quite a bit below last year's $347,600. The Boston Red Sox named Irving (Jack) Burns manager of the Albany Senators, Boston's farm in the Class A Eastern League. Burns managed Scranton in the same circuit until the Sox sold that club and then signed a working agreement with Albany. Don Heffner, San Antonio man ARE VOU -W ager last year and former second baseman for the New York Yan kees and St. Louis Browns "was signed to manage the Baltimore Orioles of the International League.

liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiii business of reviving attendance. Trautman will address the delegates on the serious job ahead as he gives his annual report at the first formal convention meeting. Among other things, Trautman will remind the folks of a 19 per cent decrease in attendance. The big business conies up Thursday when 37 amendments covering the minors most important problems will be put to vote. Frank Lawrence, president of the Portsmouth club in the Piedmont League, was one of the most active men at Tuesday's draft by class and class leagues.

Long after the other leaguers filled their rosters, Frank was drafting away like mad. He picked eight in all, including five pitchers for $6,600. He is one of the dwindling corps of independent operators. While Lawrence drafted, Trautman drew a laugh by reaching for the mike to say "for the benefit of those who don't know, Mr. Lawrence is the president of ajvery successful bank." N.

Fulton Five Stops Russell North Fulton boys court five rolled to a 49-34 victory over Russell Tuesday night. The Russell girls gained a 28-21 decision. Joe Delaney and Wade Mitchell led the winning boys, hitting 16 and 15 ooints. Dubose's 10 was the JOiVES PAYS TRIBUTE Golf Queen Dot Kirby Feted by City Clubs By BERT PRATHER Dorothy Kirby, latest of a long line of Atlantans to win a national golf championship, was reminded once again she is and always will be a queen in the minds of her host of Atlanta friends and well wishers. The occasion was a big banquet fair were Mary and Will Kirby, staged in the Mirador Room of Dorothy's mother and father, and ths Parntnl fit STOPS high mark for Russell.

North Ful-' fC4r5IYzri MASONRY LEAKS fenWI ZT AS-, ftta, VSl Above or Below Grade fcs. 3fJ Inside or Outside ton held a 20-12 halftime lead. (BOYS) NoHh Falto (49) RiwD Mitchell (15 Whittaker 2 Delaney (16) Dubose 10t Burden 9 Stith 7) I.eamon (5) Bell (3) Ransom 2 Mo ran 6 Score at Half: North Fulton 20, Rua-aell 12. Subs: North Pulton Cphaw, Johnson, Schoen 2. Wvnn.

Binn. Ward. Cottraux. iTono Rorlrott Capital City Club with her own Club professional who Capital City Club and seven taught her the game. They were Russell Levetette, Lee.

Rafsdale (5). Simp- Lawrence answered with a rrm son. Fum. BISIIER independent business into a working agreement with the Boston Braves. While the Braves are nice people, and while the Crackers won a pennant in the first season under this arrangement, it stands that Mann was far more adroit an operator Under his own independent power.

Major league dominance has reduced minor league initiative to a whisper, arid Mann made this point Tuesday, appropriately in the Coca-Cola display room of the Deshler-Wallack Hotel. "There's only one way to restore good sense to organized baseball in general," the Cracker president said, "and that's to give the minor leagues back to the minor leagues. And there's only one sure way of doing that. Cut the player control of each major league club to a total of 40 men on the home roster and 15 out on option. That means doing away with the farm chain, but I think that would be the greatest blessing that ever came to baseball." $350,000 for Each Farm Success He would explain.

"Branch Rickey originated the farm chain, and the idea spread, and ever since it has become a necessary operation to keep up with the Joneses. If you're going to have a farm chain, I've got to have a farm chain. The cost has been a millstone around the club owners' necks, and yet they couldn't give it up. "Some time ago, Bob Carpenter (president of the Philadelphia Phils) figured out that for each farm-developed player who became a full-fledged big leaguer the 16 clubs together had paid out an average of over $350,000. That doesn't make good business sense, when you figure that the big league clubs could be letting somebody else develop the players, then step in and buy what they need and what they want rather than maintaining this terrifically expensive farm operation.

"As it is now, they're paying twice for their players. They pay them bonuses for signing, and then foot the bill for their development as they come up through the system, if they come up. Why not let somebody else, the independent minor league operator, foot the bill for the development, and then buy what is a proven, ball player when you need him? "A few years ago the Detroit Tigers would not offer but $25,000 for Davey Williams, but in the same month they paid Frank House $75,000 and two Buicks to sign. Williams was a proven ball player of great ability. House was a green kid with nothing more than a chance." Ffibulous, Thai's the Word for It In his free lance days, Mann established himself as a tremendously successful baseball businessman.

He parlayed modest outlays of cash into vast profits, but never without cutting in the player himself on the take. He invested $1,200 in Bill Goodman and sold him for $75,000 to the Red Sox. This was his peak catch. Connie Ryan was signed for $1,500 and sold for $40,000. Les Burge was bought from a league for $1,500 and Bob Chipman was signed for nothing.

Together they went to Brooklyn for $52,500 and two players. Willard Marshall took a $1,500 bonus and was sold for 530,000 and players. Williams, the kid now about to inherit second base at the Polo Grounds, was signed for S1.600 and sold for $65,000 and a shipment of players. Johnny Kucker represented a rather heavy $5,000 investment, but was sold for $40,000. Such coups as these established Mann as a talent genius.

It also makes it clear that an independent can survive when the competitive field is within reason. Even the pennant that the Crackers won their first season in the traces with the Braves wore the indelible stamp of Mann. He furnished the core of the team, Verble, St. Claire, Brown, Clary, Thorpe, Hoover, Fowler and associates. The sag set in last season when the Crackers had to fall back almost entirely on Braves material.

The independent days of Mann were the good old days at Ponce de Leon park. You don't have to be a genius. It does help, however. sum-. 11 xiiciiiia gun uuub as sum "I SDent twice as much last mer trying -to meet that big league Approximately 200 friends were competition.

So I'll take draft on hand to pay honor to Queen NO. 8 Dot, who captured the National Women's Amateur championship last Aug. 25 at St. Paul, defeating her close friend, Claire! Doran of Cleveland, Ohio, in the1 finals, 2 and 1. The nine leagues were falling over themselves to draft men, in contrast to Monday's sub-par action in the higher classifications.

The total of 70 selections by Class was more than last year's pick. There were 17 selections by Class clubs as compared to 12 last year. The over-all total was just one short of 1950154 to 153 but the Straight Kentucky Bourbon in all its Glory! Tulane Five 78-50 Victor Bob Jones, who won thirteen major championships and climaxed his brilliant career with his famous "grand slam" in 1930, made the principal speech and again, as he did when he headed Dot's big "Welcome Home Parade," praised her' St. Paul victory as one of the greatest. Bob presented Dorothy with an enlarged colored photograph of Dot and her teacher Howard Beckett with the National championship trophy.

Dorothy thanked all her friends who made it possible to reach stardom on the links in her usual gracious fashion. Bob also dropped a hint that Santa Claus might leave a package in her stocking this Christmas. This, of course, is not connected with Tuesday's honor banquet. Charley Yates, former British amateur champion, made a big hit when he rendered a couple of songs which he picked up while playing in the Walker Cup matches in the late 30s. Capital City President Jesse Draper, who served as toast-master, announced that the club directors had voted to engage a well-known artist to do a portrait of Dorothy which will then be placed in the Capital City Country Club.

Quietly enjoying the whole af- s. NEW ORLEANS, Dec. 4 (TP) Tulane opened its 1951-52 basketball season Tuesday night with an easy 78-50 victory over Birmingham-Southern College. The Alabama team pushed favored Tulane throughout the first quarter, but Tulane's superior height and reserves made it a runaway the rest of the way. Soph Fritz Schulz led Tulane with 26 points, while Don Holt got 23.

Both are six-feet-five players. Tulane had a tough time sinking goals, but controlled the ball enough to still run up a big lead after the Southerners held them to a 12-11 first quarter edge. Tulane ran up a 33-25 edge at half-time. The best efforts for the losers were turned in by Charles Moore with 12 points. Jack Chapman got 11 and Larry Striplin 10.

THIRD CAGE TRY Grid-BoostedBulldogs HostClemson Tonight Special to The Constitution ATHENS, Dec. 4 Georgia's basketball Bulldogs, fortified by the addition of five football players to the squad, take on Clemson Tigers here Wednesday night at Woodruff Hall. Harbin (Red) Lawson's five! dropped its opening encounters on tee Quarters. Lawson plans other shifts. the road, 57-47 to Clemson and.

Georgia will meet Auburn in Athens Saturday night. 66-61 to Mercer. Reporting to the squad Tuesday were five gridders, including Zippy Morocco, who starred as a guard last season and reached a peak with 26 points against Florida. Other late-coming grid Brown Whips Hapeville ders: Joe oaialley (6-2), Scran-! Brown's Rebels, City League Bl" Callahan (6-2), champs last season, bounced Hape-Phoenixville, Reggie Andres ville, 51-33, in the first game of a ll'll' and Russell Ivey'new campaign Tuesday night at (6-5), Monroe tte Brown Senior in football, Morocco Ronald Dixon, a reserve forward is a Dasaeioau junior. lie was it s.a,n ct inn ctrtin u.v.., unv and fired 15 points.

Jack scholastically ineligible for the 1949 hardwood season. Enjoy the luxury found only in true Bourbon. For taste, lightness and smoothness -4 Old Stagg hasn't a rival! Aged years in the wood. uemorest was nign for tne Hornets auii missing irora me tsuiiaog rith it Bees routed lineup is Marv Satterfield, 6-3 The Hapeville southpaw sophom*ore from Canton, Brown 40-24 slated as a starting reuglar before' BmwB ('5n injuring his ankle last week. Baldwin 2 Against Mercer, guard Bill Shain was returned to the forward Hapeville (33) ilcCalmon tf( Mcintosh (4) Callahan 7 1 Demorest (11) KJCKett II Plllf.

inilCIT STUltll lllllll IIHET. IK SMI RSTlUlt fUldHt. It II It IL Staff Photo Buddy Colley FROM GRAND SLAM KING TO QUEEN DOT Bob Jones Presents Picture to Champ Dorothy Kirby post ne piayea iasi year. sut: Brown Baldwin 2. Alien 2) Ask for Old Stagg in this luxurious jcartott responded by hitting 15 points.

The Atlanta Constitution from Atlanta, Georgia (2024)


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