How Many Gallons in a Beer Barrel: The Complete Guide (2024)

Embarking on a journey into the world of Beer and its iconic containers, this guide unravels the mysteries of beer barrels and their voluminous secrets. Discover the answers to the age-old question: How many gallons are in a beer barrel? Join us in raising a glass to beer barrel enlightenment. To learn more about Beer Barrels, click here.

A standard beer barrel typically contains 15.5 gallons of Beer. Understanding this measurement is essential for planning events, managing inventories, and appreciating the significance of this vessel in the world of Beering and beer culture.How Many Gallons in a Beer Barrel: The Complete Guide (1)

Reading this article is essential for anyone curious about beer culture and the practicalities of serving Beer. It provides valuable insights into the volume of Beer contained in standard barrels, empowering readers to plan events, manage supplies, and deepen their appreciation for the beverage’s rich history and significance. You might want to check this article on 375ml Pint.

To buy Wooden Beer Barrels, click here.

Table of Contents

How many gallons in a beer barrel: What is a Beer Barrel?

A Beer barrel is a vessel explicitly intended for Beer’s capacity, maturing, and transportation. It is an indispensable piece of fermenting and Beer culture, filling both commonsense and verifiable needs. In this article, we will dig into the definition, history, and beginning of the Beer barrel.

Meaning of a Beer Barrel:

A Beer barrel is a tube-shaped holder, generally made of wood yet in some cases built from different materials like hardened steel or aluminum in present-day times.

How Many Gallons in a Beer Barrel: The Complete Guide (2)

Beer barrels come in different sizes, with volumes going from a couple of gallons to many gallons, contingent upon the particular sort and provincial practices.

See also: How Many 12 Oz Beers In A Pitcher

How many gallons in a beer barrel: Brief History and Beginning:

Here is a brief look into the starting points and verifiable meaning of Beer barrels:

Antiquated Starting points:

The utilization of compartments for putting away and moving Beer traces back to antiquated developments, including the Mesopotamians and Egyptians.

How Many Gallons in a Beer Barrel: The Complete Guide (3)

The essential objective was saving and shipping Beer from the bottling works to buyers.

Wooden Barrels:

Wooden barrels turned into the inclined decision for putting away and maturing Beer because of multiple factors.

How Many Gallons in a Beer Barrel: The Complete Guide (4)

First, wood was promptly accessible and offered solidness, making it reasonable for long excursions. Second, the wood could give remarkable flavors to the Beer, affecting its taste.

Emblematic and Social Importance:

How Many Gallons in a Beer Barrel: The Complete Guide (5)

Past their pragmatic utility, Beer barrels held social and symbolic significance in numerous social orders.

Modernization and Normalization:

As fermenting rehearses developed, so did the plan and development of Beer barrels. The old wooden barrels gave way to current materials like hardened steel, which offered more noteworthy sturdiness and simplicity of cleaning.

How Many Gallons in a Beer Barrel: The Complete Guide (6)

Today, distilleries utilize a mix of wooden barrels for maturing specialty Beers and treated steel barrels for proficient capacity and dissemination.

Territorial Varieties:

Beer barrel sizes and shapes have changed broadly across areas and societies.

How Many Gallons in a Beer Barrel: The Complete Guide (7)

For example, in the U.S., a standard Beer barrel typically contains 31 gallons, while in the Unified Realm, a firkin holds around nine royal gallons. These varieties reflect provincial blending customs and inclinations.

What Number of Gallons Are in a Beer Barrel?

In the U.S., a standard Beer barrel contains 31 gallons of Beer. This estimation includes authentic and valuable importance in the preparation and refreshment industry. This article will investigate why this estimation is involved and its pertinence in blending and Beer circulation.

The Standard Estimation in the U.S.:

The 31-gallon Beer barrel is a broadly perceived and acknowledged estimation inside the U.S. fermenting industry. It is used as a norm for barrels, generally used for serving draft Beer in bars, eateries, and on different occasions.

How Many Gallons in a Beer Barrel: The Complete Guide (8)

Understanding the purposes of this particular estimation requires digging into the set of experiences and commonsense contemplations of the fermenting business.

Authentic Importance:

The English Beer barrel, known as the “Beer firkin,” contained around nine majestic gallons (comparable to around 10.8 U.S. gallons).

How Many Gallons in a Beer Barrel: The Complete Guide (9)

This size turned into a reference point for fermenting rehearses in the U.S.

Commonsense Contemplations:

The decision of the 31-gallon Beer barrel size is affected by a few viable contemplations:

How Many Gallons in a Beer Barrel: The Complete Guide (10)

Serving Limit: A 31-gallon barrel can serve countless benefactors in business foundations. It finds harmony between giving a significant amount of Beer and common sense in taking care of and stockpiling.How Many Gallons in a Beer Barrel: The Complete Guide (11)

Normalization: Normalization improves planned operations for Beereries and wholesalers. It guarantees consistency in the volume of Beer provided to different foundations and lessens the requirement for custom hardware.How Many Gallons in a Beer Barrel: The Complete Guide (12)

Customer Assumptions: Shoppers have generally expected a specific volume of Beer while requesting a “barrel.” The 31-gallon Barrel measures up to this assumption and aligns with the conventional idea of a Beer barrel.How Many Gallons in a Beer Barrel: The Complete Guide (13)

Economies of Scale: The preparing business benefits from economies of scale while delivering Beer in standard-sized barrels. It smoothes out creation, bundling, and dissemination processes.How Many Gallons in a Beer Barrel: The Complete Guide (14)

Administrative Consistence:Normalization likewise supports organizational consistency, considering predictable naming and tax collection given volume.How Many Gallons in a Beer Barrel: The Complete Guide (15)

Kinds of Beer Barrels and Their Abilities: come in different sizes, each intended to suit different serving needs and inclinations. Here, we’ll investigate four standard sorts of Beer barrels and their limits:

How much Beer is in a barrel: Standard or standard-size Barrel

Capacity: A standard Beer barrel, or regular Barrel, typically contains 15.5 gallons of Beer. This site is the most well-known decision for business use in bars, eateries, and monumental occasions.

Quarter Barrel:

Capacity: as the name recommends, a quarter barrel is a fourth of the size of a standard barrel. It holds roughly 7.75 gallons of Beer.How Many Gallons in a Beer Barrel: The Complete Guide (16)

Usage: Quarter barrels are well-known for more modest social occasions and home use. They are more reasonable in size and are frequently liked for serving different art and specialty Beers. They give sufficient Beer to a moderate-sized bunch without the overabundance of a standard barrel.

6th Barrel:

Capacity: A 6th barrel, sometimes called a sixtel, contains roughly 5.16 gallons of Beer.How Many Gallons in a Beer Barrel: The Complete Guide (17)

Usage: These more modest barrels are habitually used in bars and cafés for offering a more extensive choice of Beer on draft. They are reasonable for foundations with restricted space or highlighting occasional and specialty Beers.

Cornelius Barrel (Cheesy Barrel):How Many Gallons in a Beer Barrel: The Complete Guide (18)

Capacity: A Cornelius barrel, frequently called a Cheesy barrel, holds roughly 5 gallons of Beer.

What number of Beers Are in a Standard-Sized Barrel?

Understanding the number of Beers in a standard-sized barrel is a typical inquiry, whether you’re arranging a party, running a bar, or only curious about the amount of Beer that can be served. A standard-sized barrel contains 15.5 gallons of Beer. Let’s separate the math to decide how this converts into pints, jugs, and individual servings.

Change from Gallons to Ounces:

To start, we want to change the volume of the Barrel from gallons to ounces, as this is a standard unit for serving Beer. There are 128 liquid ounces in a gallon, so:

15.5 gallons 128 ounces/gallon = 1,984 ouncesHow Many Gallons in a Beer Barrel: The Complete Guide (19)

In this way, a standard-sized barrel contains 1,984 fluid ounces of Beer.

Number of Pints:

A standard 16 ounces of Beer in the U.S. contains 16 liquid ounces. To compute the number of pints in a barrel, we partition the all-out ounces by the number of ounces in 16 ounces:

1,984 ounces/16 ounces/half quart = 124 pintsHow Many Gallons in a Beer Barrel: The Complete Guide (20)

Thus, a standard-sized barrel contains 124 pints of Beer.

Number of Containers:

Beer bottles come in different sizes, yet a typical size is 12 ounces. To decide the quantity of 12-ounce bottles that can be filled from a barrel, we partition the all-out ounces by the number of ounces in a jug:

1,984 ounces/12 ounces/bottle = 165.33 containersHow Many Gallons in a Beer Barrel: The Complete Guide (21)

Since you can’t have a small portion of a jug, you’ll adjust down to the closest entire number. In this way, a standard-sized barrel can fill roughly 165 pitchers of 12-ounce Beer.

Individual Servings:

On the off chance that we consider a regular serving size of Beer to be 12 ounces, which is the size of a standard jug or can, we can work out the number of individual servings in a barrel:

1,984 ounces/12 ounces/serving = 165.33 servings

How Many Gallons in a Beer Barrel: The Complete Guide (22)

Once more, you’ll adjust down to the closest entire number. In this way, a standard-sized barrel contains roughly 165 servings of Beer.

It’s critical to note that these estimations are surmised because elements, for example, Beer froth, spillage, and varieties in pour sizes, can influence the genuine number of servings you get from a barrel. Also, serving sizes can shift by nation and foundation, so these numbers might vary in various areas. Also, if you want to impress your friends, check out this guide on pouring beer like a pro!

See also: How Many Ounces Are In A Growler

Non-U.S. Measures: European and U.K. Barrel Sizes

While the U.S. regularly utilizes gallons and pints to gauge Beer barrels, different locales, like Europe and the Unified Realm, have their barrel size estimations. In this article, we’ll investigate European barrel sizes in liters and U.K. barrel sizes in royal gallons and give transformations to U.S. gallons for better getting it.

European Barrel Sizes:

Europe utilizes the decimal standard, and Beer barrels in this locale are regularly estimated in liters. Here are some average European barrel sizes:

50ltr’s Barrel:

  • This is one of the most widely recognized barrel sizes in Europe.How Many Gallons in a Beer Barrel: The Complete Guide (23)
  • Transformation to U.S. Gallons: 50ltr’s is around 12 U.S. gallons.

30-Liter Barrel:

  • More modest than the standard 50ltr Barrel, this size is always used for a claim to fame or specialty Beers.How Many Gallons in a Beer Barrel: The Complete Guide (24)
  • Transformation to U.S. Gallons: 30ltr’s is around 7.9 U.S. gallons.

20-Liter Barrel:

  • A more modest barrel size is reasonable for restricted or test discharges.How Many Gallons in a Beer Barrel: The Complete Guide (25)
  • Change to U.S.Gallons: 20ltr’s is roughly 5.3 U.S. gallons.

U.K. Barrel Sizes:

The Assembled Realm has its arrangement of barrel sizes, which are regularly estimated in royal gallons. Here are some average U.K. barrel sizes:

9-Gallon Firkin:

  • A conventional English container beer barrel.How Many Gallons in a Beer Barrel: The Complete Guide (26)
  • Transformation to U.S. Gallons: 9 royal gallons is roughly 10.8 U.S. gallons.

11-Gallon Kilderkin:

  • A marginally more significant barrel Beer barrel is always used for extraordinary events.How Many Gallons in a Beer Barrel: The Complete Guide (27)
  • Change to U.S. Gallons: 11 supreme gallons is roughly 12 U.S. gallons.

18-Gallon Barrel:

  • A bigger barrel size is used for specific occasions and bars.How Many Gallons in a Beer Barrel: The Complete Guide (28)
  • Transformation to U.S. Gallons: 18 royal gallons is roughly 26 U.S. gallons.

See also: Tall Can Of B.eer.

Transformation to U.S. Gallons:

To give a more precise ability to understand those familiar with U.S. estimations, here are the changes in typical European and U.K. barrel sizes to U.S. gallons:How Many Gallons in a Beer Barrel: The Complete Guide (29)

  • A 50ltr European barrel is roughly 12 U.S. gallons.
  • A 30ltr European barrel is around 7.9 U.S. gallons.
  • A 20ltr European barrel is about 5.3 U.S. gallons.
  • A 9-gallon U.K. firkin is around 10.8 U.S. gallons.
  • An 11-gallon U.K. kilderkin is about 12 U.S. gallons.
  • An 18-gallon U.K. barrel is apx. 26 U.S. gallons.

Understanding these changes is significant for people and organizations engaged with the Beer business, particularly while managing imported or district-explicit Beers. It guarantees consistency in serving sizes and stock administration while managing barrels from various areas. Here is a guide on Understanding Beer Sizes.


How many gallons are in a barrel?

The number of gallons in a barrel can vary depending on the type of Barrel. A standard beer barrel in the United States typically contains 31 gallons. In contrast, other types of barrels, like oil barrels, may have different volumes.

How many gallons in a barrel are enough to fill it up?

The term 'barrel' usually implies that the container is filled. So, in the case of a standard beer barrel, it would be filled with 31 gallons of Beer.

Is a barrel of Beer readily available?

Yes, barrels of Beer is readily available for purchase, especially in the commercial and Beer industries. Breweries often use them for storage and distribution. Individuals can buy them for events, parties, or homebrewing.

Are barrels of Beer safe to consume?

Yes, barrels of Beer are safe to consume if the Beer has been properly Beer, stored and handled. Ensuring that the Beer is fresh and hasn't been contaminated is crucial. Additionally, responsible consumption is essential to enjoy Beer safely.


In conclusion, understanding “How many gallons in a beer barrel” is an appreciation of this iconic vessel’s rich history and cultural significance. A standard-sized keg containing 15.5 gallons is the norm in the United States, serving as a cornerstone of the beer industry. It equates to approximately 124 pints, 165 bottles, or 165 individual servings, making it a versatile choice for various occasions. However, it’s crucial to consider variations due to factors like foam and pour size.

This knowledge empowers beginners and buyers to plan events, manage inventories efficiently, and appreciate the craftsmanship that goes into each keg. Whether raising a pint at a local pub, tapping into a homebred creation, or exploring keg sizes worldwide, understanding how many beers are in a basic-sized keg adds depth to your beer experience. It’s an alert that Beer, much like its barrels, is a vessel that carries traditions, camaraderie, and the joy of sharing. So, raise your glass to the world of beer barrels and the stories they hold. Cheers!

How Many Gallons in a Beer Barrel: The Complete Guide (30)

Kendall Jones

Kendall Jones: Seattle journalist, freelance writer, and top contributor to Washington Beer Blog. Published 5,400+ stories on beer and brewing.

How Many Gallons in a Beer Barrel: The Complete Guide (2024)


How Many Gallons in a Beer Barrel: The Complete Guide? ›

One full barrel of beer, or BBL, is equal to 31 U.S. gallons, which equals: 2 x “Standard” Half Barrel Kegs (½ BBL) 4 x Quarter Barrel Kegs.

How many gallons are in a full barrel of beer? ›

Barrels as a Measurement Unit

In the United States, a beer barrel is defined as 31 gallons.

How many gallons is a brewing barrel? ›

There are 31 US gallons per full barrel of beer.

What is the capacity of a beer barrel? ›

Historically a beer barrel was a standard size of 36 US gallons (140 L; 30 imp gal), as opposed to a wine barrel of 32 US gallons (120 L; 27 imp gal), or an oil barrel of 42 US gallons (160 L; 35 imp gal). Over the years barrel sizes have evolved, and breweries throughout the world use different sized containers.

How many gallons are in a brewers barrel in the UK? ›

In the UK a beer barrel is 36 imperial gallons (43 US gal; 164 L).

How many gallons does a standard barrel hold? ›

A standard barrel of oil contains 42 gallons. This is the U.S. measurement that has been used since the 1800s, as it was the volume of a standard wooden barrel used for hauling many types of liquid.

Is buying kegs cheaper? ›

In fact, some kegs come in at 40% to 60% savings compared to bottles or cans.

How many gallons is a Guinness barrel? ›

Guinness Keg 11 Gallon - COLLECTION ONLY.

What is a large beer cask called? ›

The tun is a cask that is double the size of a butt and is equal to eight barrels and has a capacity of 252 imperial gallons (303 US gal; 1,150 L). Invented in Brentford, a tun was used in local breweries to measure large amounts of alcohol.

What does 10 bbl mean? ›

A 10 bbl brewhouse can produce 10 barrels or 310 gallons of beer in a single batch. This size of brewhouse is suitable for mid-sized craft breweries that need to meet a significant demand for their beer.

What are the different sizes of beer barrels? ›

Keg Sizing Information

on the brewery, beers are kegged in various size containers, as follows: 1/2 barrel = 15.5 gallons = 124 pints = 165 12oz bottles - (Full Size Keg) 1/4 barrel = 7.75 gallons = 62 pints = 83 12oz bottles (Pony Keg) 1/6 barrel (20 Ltr) = 5.2 gallons = 41 pints = 55 12oz bottles (Sixtel)

How many beers does a barrel hold? ›

A barrel of beer in the United States is 31 gallons, so that's the equivalent of 330.66 twelve ounce beers. Some people, however, confuse a 1/2 barrel keg as being a “barrel”. A keg is 15.5 gallons then, and contains the equivalent of 165.33 twelve ounce beers.

How long does beer keep in a barrel? ›

Ideally, cask beer should be consumed within 5 – 7 days of tapping. Darker and/or higher ABV beers will generally keep for a further 2 – 3 days. Something to bear in mind is that the quality of the beer will quickly deteriorate, however, if the cask tap is not clean.

How many gallons of beer are in a barrel? ›

How Many Gallons Are in a Beer Barrel? There are 31 gallons in a beer barrel, which is why we use this value in the formula above. Beer barrels and gallons are both units used to measure beer volume.

How many gallons is a 1 barrel brew system? ›

The Pilot Pro is a one of a kind 1 bbl brewing system that includes all of the following professional grade brewing features: 57 gallon hot liquor tank. 40 gallon mash tun with side manway.

What is an 18 gallon barrel called? ›

The word cask has also become almost interchangeable with 'barrel', but as shown below, a barrel is actually a specific size of cask. Hogshead = 54 gallons / 432 pints. Barrel = 36 gallons / 288 pints. Kilderkin = 18 gallons / 144 pints. Firkin = 9 gallons / 72 pints.

How much is 1 BBL of beer? ›

The beer barrel is a standard unit of volume for importing beer in the US, equal to 3,968 fluid ounces.

What is the difference between a keg and a barrel? ›

Keg Sizing Information

1/2 barrel = 15.5 gallons = 124 pints = 165 12oz bottles - (Full Size Keg) 1/4 barrel = 7.75 gallons = 62 pints = 83 12oz bottles (Pony Keg)

What does a keg of Bud Light cost? ›

Keg Prices
1/4 Barrels - 7.75 Gallons.Tax and DepositTapper, Tax and Deposit
Bud Light$132.58$207.95
Yuengling Lager$135.91$211.27
Yuengling Flight$135.91$211.27

What size is a full keg? ›

A full size full barrel keg has a diameter of 16⅛" and stands 23⅜" tall. They have a capacity of 15.5 gallons (1984 oz), or roughly 165⅓ 12-oz bottles or cans. That is equivalent to 124 16-oz pints.


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