El Paso Times from El Paso, Texas (2024)

Page 4-B THE EL PASO TIMES. Thursday, November 11. 1932 Students Retrial planned for man ') after punishment indecision Father Yenno High School: Guadalupe Bustamante, Gregoria Franco, Beth Swegler and Loretta Rodriguez. Henderson Junior High: Naomi Cortez and Mark Vasquez. Jefferson High School: Sylvia Rojas, Luis Alvarez, Elena Con-treras, Gonzalo Esquivel Norma Carbajal, David Luna, Yolanda Rojas and Moises Hernandez.

Clint High School: Antonia Ruiz. The district attorney's office plans to retry a 19-year-old man whose murder trial ended in a mistrial Tuesday because jurors could not decide a punishment. Brad Durbin was found guilty of involuntary manslaughter Monday, even though prosecutors argued he intentionally killed Armando Ramirez. 20, in El Paso's Northeast in May 1981. Durbin remains free on $5,000 bond until a new trial can be held.

Because the jury found him guilty of the lesser charge, Durbin cart be tried only on the involuntary manslaughter charge, not murder, Assistant District Attorney John Calhoun said, "li District Court Judge Brunson Moore sakl he ruled a mistrial after jurors found they" could not agree on the proper Durbin said Ramirez fell under his car-at the onspt of a fifht and was run nvpr. "fn Velasco, Charles E. Naquin, Veronica De La Rosa and Kevin Polk. Radford School: Cassy Sigloh, Treavor Pence, Susan Gregory, Ter-rence Kissack, Luisa Herra, Richard Quails, Monique Lopez, Steven Burgess. San Elizario High School: Cecilia Rojas, Deborah Carren, Mary Avila, Jesus Delgado, Brigitte Ballou, Victor Delgado, Monica Rodriguez and Irma Rojas.

Loretto Academy: Amelia Castan-eda, Kathryn Wasiak, Kristelle Woods, Elcnora Villa and Carla Cor-rea. Riverside High School: Karmy Mendoza, Eddie Mena, Carmen Ca-dena, Bobby Garcia, Elena Villalo-bos, Jesse Jaime, Patricia Diaz and Lupe Navarette. Irvin High School: Kathleen Ya-masaki, Claudia Bachman, Matthew John Kirgis, Staci Strachan, Rudy Moreno, Marie Free, Johnny Hudson, Vicki Lara and Michael Switfff Sale! Nix (Continued from IB) Ekery and Marcos Campos. St. Clements School: Marine Brown and Javier Martino.

Eastwood High School: Julie De Moss, James Givens Carol Glover, Steve Jarrett, Carrie Dibler, John Brochll, Polly Perry and Bryan Kelly. Fort Hanco*ck High School: Monica Aguilar, Jay Neely, Dolores Reyes, Sammy Lcgarreta. Isabel Armas, Dina Brito, Margie Gomez and Jon Neely. Fabens High School: Yvonne Gou-lette, Earl Kemp, Susana Madrid, Victor Rivera, Christina Rivera, Ro-drigo Chavez and Chris Spence. Jesus Chapel School: Shawn Hicks, Samuel Mallory, Timothy Seymore, Polly Roderick, Danny Flores, Lori Salcido, Charles Martin and Tonya Walton.

Ysleta High School: Norma Gari-bay, Eduardo Castillo, Manny Vas-quez, Yolanda Archuleta, Maria Morales, Ruben Flores, Veronica Lerma and Floyd Ashley. Northeast Christian Academy: Rhonda Basten, Michael Siefker, Jennifer Jackson, Vince Castillo, Tammy Alexander, Tim Powell and Veronica Giallongo. Parkland High School: Mary McKinley, Barry Patterson, Anna J.M. Hanks High School: Gail Mas-sey, James Sutherland, Shawna Stewart, Jeffery Synk, Laura Osborne, Scott Geels, Terry Irwin and Gary Hawkins. Socorro High School: Martha Vela, Rafael Padilla Jennifer Blaine, Martin Bernal, Rachel Orduno and Mike Franco.

rA Socorro Junior High: Nancy Ri- vcia hhu Aian rsojorquez. Tornillo Hith Krhnni- Smith, James Broussard, Sylvia Stryker, Jerry Papin, Chance Geurin, Cyd Peck, Delia Mae Parker and Kwan Lee. Andress High School: Lori Correll, James Blohm, Linda Harrell, Jeffery Asmussen, Yvonne Otero and Felipe Soto. Terrace Hills School: Michelle Gal-lardo and Lovelys Powell. H.

E. Charles School: Pam Erwin and Richard Munoz. uvivtlB uai dea, Guadalupe Ruiz, Guadalupe Ro- mm fmwmPM vnifcuc, jcsus larango, ronya Glover, Anthony Holdman, Letty ouMiuez ana mnny Marquez. 3 riraiM. wmJi Ysleta Junior High: Lourdes Ro driguez and Gilberto Garcia.

NMSU museum offers field trips to watch the Tortugas Mountain procession and one Dec. 12 for the principal day of the fiesta. Suede Mink LilliAnnCoat Rabbit Coat I $289.90 $199.90 $169.90 9 tfl 4A I I- I I Times Las Cruces bureau LAS CRUCES The New Mexico State University Museum is planning a series of Saturday trips to nearby sites of archaelcgical, historical, geological and other scientific interest. The first trip is scheduled Nov. 20, for which interested people must register by Monday.

All trips will begin and end at Kent Hall, the University Museum, and fees include a box lunch. Karl Laumbach, an archaeologist in the cultural resource management division, will lead the first trip to Fort Cummings. The fort was built in 1863 to protect travelers through Cook's Canyon and was used during the Apache Wars. The fort was closed in 1886. There is a registration fee of $20 for members of the Friends of the Museum and $25 for non-members.

The second trip will be to Tortugas for La Fiesta de Nuestra Senora de Guadalupe. There will be two trips to Tortugas, one the evening of Dec. 11 The cost of the trip will be $10 for I yj- BUllie rur hmk rrenrn us- run skin rar.hu wrap members of the Friends of the Muse- 1 wlth natural mmk savH and real suede by coat. um and $12.50 for non-members. In- IjIIj Ann of San Fran- Natural terested people must register by Dec.

laup 'ep8tel nsco. Kreyordyc-d white, frost- 3, lk mink. 6-20. Pastel, blonde. 6 18.

ed heather, sno top. a Starting times for the trips vary sW'jt IN VISTA MAIJ and can be obtained, along with other yY HAtsl additional information, by calling ifi iiiiMiwirw'iiiiwiiinii. 1 a 646-3739. 1 Police (Continued from 13) get another 5 percent raise and a step raise on their anniversary date of employment, worth another 5 percent to most officers. Guerrero also revealed that the police union is conducting a survey to see how many children were born to officers in the last fiscal year to refute maternity figures released last week by Mayor Jonathan Rogers.

Rogers said figures given to him by Blue Cross-Blue Shield, the city's former insurance carrier, showed that 200 babies were born to the 640-member department between September 1981 and September 1982. Rogers said the figures also showed that the 505-rnan Fire Department sired 300 babies. The association has surveyed about half the department so far. Guerrero said, and has found only 16 babies born during that time "far, far short of 250 kids," he said. El Paso news of record mi Cesar and Isela Ramos, 340 Col mdlo, boy; Russell and Elva Autrf, 517 Castile, girl; Joe and Carolina Tnoio.

1408 Raynoids, grl; Anthony and Hilda Lechu ga, 304 Flynn, boy, Eduardo and Arcell Norte, 3V00 Piedras, gin, Kamiro and Pnscilla guin. Anthony, N.M boy; Alfre do and Patricia Griialva, 780 Holly, girl; David and Angelica leqovia. Z9i Morenead, boy. Ramon and Alicia Barron 8025 Glendale. boy, Claudio and So sano Alvarado, P.O.

Bex 81, girl; Dionisio and Gracieia Re galado. 148 Buford girl Gmller mo and Mnrira Conireras. 1129 E. California, boy; Guadalupe and Laroima Jimenez. 311 pershinq, boy; Lduardo and oreha P.non 500 Trans Moun tain, girl.

David and fcFl.iine Bof, 117.33 Ivanhoe. boy. Victor and Avalos. Sayers, gin. uaniei and Mari.i Venzor, 100 W.

Robmyn, girl, Seroio and Bertha Pacheto, 6024 Tor ret Pines, bo; Joseano ca Rivas, 9343 lom, girl. Mi guel and Elia Sotmayor, 10604 Griorge Archer, boy; Meve arid June penn, 5841 Mesa, girl Jesus and Diana Barraaan, 1435 Hawtliorne. g.rl; JoliO and Morayma Cruz, 7209 Alpine, boy, Mir hael and Monixa Be Choosy! Select This Sofa For Your Very Active Family Rl Ci. smi oL-seat S2W Ewillf II 111 llll I III II I I I IB I ll.lliHIIII I I IN, II Jl I llllllle'llll4togW I I Ill IIH'l MARRIAGE LICENSES RHmunoo Aquiiar Jr J'i, WJ8 Dundee, and Hayrte Martin el. IB, Juarpz; Raymond Sro Norton, Va and Julio ta Gonz.ilpi.

JO, BliM Glendale, Miguel Zamora, 44, 716 Caro lina No 50. and AA.iria Lop', 29 same; Juan Vailes. 23, Anthony, M.i and Maria Poiz. 21, 372 N. Pifdrav Nandy Yournbloocl, 20, Canutillo, and Sylvia v.armo leio.

20. iame, Jose Vnqa, IS, 112 Glr.nwnod, and Evanelma Flores, 21 same Sa il. 1723 Rio Grande No and Pidenria 4J. ume, Leonardo Rodriguez, J9. Hi; 3 Broadwa.

ind San Juana Del gado, 3D, Jose KanH, 28. 365 Mr.Cune. and Ramnna Lopel. 25, same, Lorcnjo Bur MM. SO.

VI Wehbnr No 289, and Aana borunda, Iv, same; Anveu Clint 17. 2925 Hamilton, and boledad Flores. 55, some, Pedro I man 24, 155 Baeia, and Mar, a Alvarez, 19, samp; Maimo Munoz, 62, 7127 Stiles and ftainona Gomel, Vf some. Haul Nunez, 19. Juarez, and Guadalupe Gnntalez, 19, same, Jorge 20, Juarez, and Laura vaidez, 19, 8572 San Mi quel, Paul Anderson, 23.

10913 i.aevood, end ftillie Gattis, 18, 8 03 Yermolarid Uanini hardt, 20, Irving, Teyas, and Vary Garr.ia, 19. IOjOO Sher wood, Alfredo Barrera, 18, 9137 San and Mireya rv.o lina, 15, same. Willie henton 24, 4918 Alio Rez No 48. and An tionette Orazton, 18, same, Aurei az Jr 2'), 89U9 IvVMon. and Alio Juia'to, 18, same.

James 45. Navos ta, Texas, and Yoianda Romero, 33. 346 Arvm, Michael Galtnty, 23, 4704 Froplcina. and Bonny I uon, 19, Canutillo; Santos Ga Undo, 25, Anthony, N.M., and Diana Flores, 25 same; Johnny Galvan, 23, 5812 B'aOnawk, and Deborah Pierce, 27, same, Howard Graves. 20, 8 50 Norton Apt.

C. and Phonda Per smqer, 21, same, Dennis Green berq, 34. 2445 McKinley and Anne Sinqrist Witt, 19, lump; Charles Simmv 23, 1052 Kinross, and Cheryl Gibson, 19. same, 5yid hom*oiiam, 71, 500 Confetti Apt. 17, and ivonne Martinez, Z0, J3I3 Dellin, 72, E.

Ni vada, and irma Alva, same; Rkardo Ramirez, 757 Coro mi, and Lorelia Jourrm.an, 44, ItOl Lea rrevino No 2044. rir rns Providence Memorial Hospl tat; Anuel and Anita Lerma, Anthony, girl; fri and Carmen Carrlllo, 412 Medina, girl; Jose and Julit Hernandez, 34' Lynne, hoy; Garrett anil Mi chelie Hasten, 404 fo, am girl; Peifro and Hermencta l.opei. 1903 Leeds, girl, ir and Julia Reyes, BJ0I Vailes Platidu, girl; end Peggy Noviik, 716 Baltimore, girl, Riitwrtn ana Cunsunio Segura, 8112 Bu'nham, boy, Jesus and Maria Leyve. 2nl Wneeimq, boy, jesui and Maria Fernandez, lljid lor yard, twy; Wmi end Rnsalhe 5353 hidoe, twin girls; Sae On I.otiiicrs Multi-I'osilion Uitlincr! ICnjoy This Bmvs Plulfd hhih! SIttk Tables lopped In Smoked (t'lass! Hall Tree From lyivV.t&A save 1 Mcca.n, 10020 rwood, boy; Patrocinio and Martha Garcia, 128 Defoe, ooy IN THE courts Divorces filed: lois Green wo.id nno Hen Greenwood; Mary Vaidez and D.ivid Vaidez Beverly Flit and William Fhck, Ahcia Gonzalez and mi fiedo Gonzalez. Lynlhia Her-rera and Jesus Hfrrurn Divorces granted: Cuiwppe Decoroso tnd Guadalupe De-coroso; Oiqa De la Cruz end Roherlo De La Cruz.

Manuel Lazus and josephma Lazos. Yvonne Filkms and Larry Fil kins. Annulment tiled: Jose Diaz and Ahcia Diaz DEATHS Mary Brethouwer, 64, 2101 N. Oregon, Nov Antunio Cha.rez, 81, 3425 Fort Blvd Sept. II, Benito Garria, II, 404 Ledo, Nov.

Joa Madrid, 65, Juarez, Oct. 14, Luis Munoz, 71, 4) 5. Ochea, Nov 2: Rirhard Peterson, 59 1475 Missouri, Oct 26. Tony Rodijers, 552(. Vendell, Nov, Rotiert Kodri guel.

22, 7845 Lilac No 75, Oct. 2, Fructuosa Vanja, '6, 6i0 5 Tornillo No 2, Oil. 6, Georne Rittmann, 70, I7W Mike Hill, Nov, 5, Meoomii'ena Castan da. 78, 1505 Chr-isea, Nov, Silveria Peralla, 76, 5000 Sabine, Nov Sophia Suter, 3, Las Crui es, Nov. Clinton Allen, 7 200 Shadow Mountain No 76, Nov.

6, Viol Herbert, 49. 1009 Wyatt. Nov. Helen Hirth, 85, 'm Shadow Mountain No, 1201, Nov 4. Harold Ryan 69, 1727 Ron Cerrudo, Oct 24; Betty Wil-helm, infant, 5753 Lonqvlew, Nov.

BeftieMi.Daniel, 54, 1774 Camino de Is Vista, Nov. 3, James Sitgrevvs, 50. 1460 Backus, Nov. 1. Jean Tromer, JJ, 327 Pageant, Nov.

5, SAVE s2() RI G. $59 I'tel s2l9 mil ''11' sQQ 1 WHII SUPPLY LASTS Previously purchased merchnnijiie clu()Bd 1411 AIRWAY BLVD. South of Montana on A'rways El Paso, Texas Phone (915) 779 3821 PRICES GOOD THROUGH NOV. 12 Ml YOtJll il you ,1 p(ziji)tn yfujr sl'ifc I I'jlvr- lll Vi.lilli TLl Hen) 'li; f.i'l 1 boo OPf A IFVII? CHAHCE ACCOUNT NOW OH Vuu H.iz' A M.fio' (, A i a00 INSTANT C.RfOlT' 1 SELL ANYTHING IN A $UW ADD A LITTLE SWiP TO A GARAGE SALE GET QUICK RESULTS WITH SM5 ADS 546-6200 LtVlT" fURNIIIJHt CORP. All n'cfr hdnclisr) it picnuD Our J't'.

t'-e? "g'" lofy cont.jir,wr Or it you evof" fit 1 1 -ijh 1.

El Paso Times from El Paso, Texas (2024)


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Name: Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner

Birthday: 1994-06-25

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Introduction: My name is Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner, I am a zany, graceful, talented, witty, determined, shiny, enchanting person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.